Catalogue import - Import offer by file

Créé par Emma d'Alltricks, Modifié le  Mar, 7 Mars, 2023 à 3:28 H par  Emma d'Alltricks

Click on My Stock > Import by file


Once your products have been imported and validated by the Marketplace team and have the status Published (please see the Catalog Management section), you can import your offers.


1 - Click on Download an offer file template in Excel format 

2 - Choose the "Offers" file template

3 - Click on Generate template and download the last generated template


After downloading the Offer import file, please follow the instructions below to complete it. 


Instructions for the import file Offer :


  • SKU Offer (Stock Keeping Unit): unique reference of a product for a given seller and a given price. It must be unique for each reference.  
  • Product ID: fill in the EAN of the product, which must contain 13 digits.  
  • Product ID type: write "EAN".
  • Offer Price: the selling price in Euros (€), including VAT. It must be in Number format. 
  • Quantity Offered: the quantity available in stock
  • Minimum quantity alert: minimum quantity threshold in stock that triggers an alert by email. No alert will be sent if this box remains empty.  Offer status: write "New", because we only sell new products on the Marketplace. 
  • Logistic family: corresponds to the name of the logistic class related to shipping costs (Small, Large, Personal 1...). The "Small" family is chosen by default if the box is empty.
  • Shipping time: number of working days required to ship the offer.  
  • Suggested retail price: please note that this price will be displayed on our website, and must therefore be valid according to regulatory requirements. 


To create promotions, fill in the discounted price in "Price" and fill in the "Suggested Retail Price" (in the Additional Information section) with the original price. To ensure that the discounted price is visible online, please contact your Account Manager. 


Format of the model Operator


To import the Offer file, please follow the following process:  


1. format of the EAN field


NB: Excel changes your EAN code to scientific format because it recognizes it as a number.  


Ex: 5465476546546 will be condensed into 5.46548E+12.

This will corrupt the data and prevent the creation of your product. 


The solution is as follows: 

  • Select the column with the EAN
  • Right click and select the Format menu
  • On the Number tab, choose Custom
  • Delete the numbers entered in Type
  • Type the number 0 thirteen times in a row
  • Save the file. 


       If your EAN codes do not contain 13 digits, please follow the following process:  


1 - Save the Offers import file in CSV UTF-8 format. The file must be encoded in UTF-8. This allows the titles and descriptions to appear correctly. Once this is done, please close the file and re-open it in this format. It will appear in CSV UTF-8 format. Keep the file open on your desktop throughout the process. 

2 - Delete the 1st line of the file

3 - Format of the EAN field:  

  • NB: Excel changes your EAN code to scientific format because it recognizes it as a number.  
  • Ex: 5465476546546 will be condensed into 5.46548E+12.
  • This will corrupt the data and prevent the creation of your product. 
  • The solution is as follows: 
  • Select the column with the EAN
  • Right click and select the Format menu
  • On the Number tab, choose Custom
  • Delete the numbers entered in Type
  • Type the number 0 thirteen times in a row

4.   Replace "Nine" in the Offer Status column with "11". 

5.   Price: decimals must be separated by a point


Import of the Offer file


Click on: My Stock > Import by file 

Once the Offer file is completed, upload it from your store to import your offers on your created products.


1 - Select the Offer file

2 - Select "Offer" for the file content

3 - Select "Normal" for the Import Mode

4 - Click on Import


Controlling your imports


Click on: My Stock > Import by file > Follow-up on offer imports


You can easily check your offer imports from your store. If needed, you can also download the error report to understand how to modify your offer imports.

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