How do I transfer my catalog from the old tree structure to the new one?

Créé par Arthur d'Alltricks, Modifié le  Mar, 19 Mars, 2024 à 11:18 H par  Emma d'Alltricks

Reminder: you have until April 1st to transition your catalog from the old to the new tree structure.

For any questions not answered in this article, we invite you to consult this article.

Are there any quick wins to speed up my transition?

You'll find attached a file to help you map the old categories to the new ones.

How do I make my transition according to the method I'm using? 

There are three ways to change the tree structure of a product sheet.


You'll find the option of manually modifying the tree structure of each product sheet on the page dedicated to editing the sheet.

By file import:

You can use the shortcut Ctrl + F to search for and replace terms in the old tree structure with the new one.

Warning : This method can have its limitations, so ideally you should download a model file with the new tree structure so that you have all the attributes and attribute values available, as well as knowing which attributes are now mandatory!

By aggregator :

To access the new tree structure, please contact your connector support to update your mapping.

I see a different category on the master file, but I've changed the category on my side. Why?

Some master files are potentially fed by several source files, including yours. Mirakl prioritizes source sheets chronologically, i.e. the oldest source sheet takes precedence over the category of the master sheet.

If you notice a difference even after a change on your part, it is important that you contact support by creating a ticket. For the sake of clarity, please mention the EANs of the products concerned, and title your e-mail/ticket subject: "New tree structure: differences between source and master files".

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